End Stigma Campaigns for Mental Illness
I’ve had an issue with stigma campaigns for some time. They hurt the sickest mentally ill more than help. Let me explain,
Here’s a definition of stigma: “a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person.” This definition presumes the individual has done something, or is, disgraceful. It makes me think of Charles Schultz’s character “Pig Pen.” I picture this dirt cloud surrounding a person when we start with the premise that serious mental illness is a “mark” that needs to be overcome. The burden is on the afflicted to change something. We reinforce the stigma of a false “mark” every time we advocate to end the mark…which isn’t a mark in the first place!
A better way forward is to promote ending discrimination of people who are afflicted with brain illnesses like Schizophrenia. That puts the burden of change on us! We become the Pig Pens walking around with our dirt of apathy, pride, and judgements.
For people with Anosognosia, stigma campaigns only add to their impossible burden. People who cannot advocate for themselves, have no awareness of their disability. How does an “end the stigma” campaign help them? Stigma doesn’t keep them from getting help, their disability does! It’s up to us to help them, so let’s end the discrimination. Let’s stop putting so much energy into anti-stigma campaigns and start talking about what real equality of treatment looks like.
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